Internship and Community Services Programme (ICSP)


About Internship and Community Service (ICSP)

In 1998, Government introduced the Community Service Policy that required Health Professionals to complete 12 months of Community Service and 24 months of Medical Internship through remunerative work in the public health sector. The purpose of the policy was to achieve better distribution of human resources for health to under-serviced areas and thereby improving equitable access to primary health care services.

The National Department of Health (NDoH) developed the Internship and Community Service Placement (ICSP) online system to assist eligible applicants who are required by law to perform a statutory obligation for medical internship and community service.

The ICSP online System, makes provision for two (2) allocation Cycles (i.e. Annual Cycle and the Mid-year Cycle) for two (2) programs as per the Statutory requirements:

Internship – Medical graduates (Doctors) need to complete a two (2) year internship programme prior to registration as a community service medical practitioner, as provided for in Section 61 of the Health Professions Act 56 of 1974 and associated regulations relating to the registration and training of interns in medicine.

Community Service – Legislation prescribe that health professional graduates who wish to register for independent practice, need to complete one year of remunerated community service at health establishments as approved by the Minister of Health.

  • The following field of study is applicable for Community Service:
    Audiologist, Clinical Psychologist, Dentist, Diagnostic Radiographer, Diagnostic Sonographer, Dietician, Environmental Health Practitioner, Medical Practitioner, Nuclear Medicine, Radiographer, Occupational Therapist, Pharmacist, Physiotherapist, Professional Nurse, Radiotherapy, Speech and Audiology Therapist and Speech Therapist.

2024 Midyear Cycle Information

Please note that the application for the 2024 Midyear cycle has been completed and closed.

NB: All applicants who have communicated with ICSP during the applications phase, will still be assisted to resolve their enquiries.

2025 Annual Cycle Information

Dear Applicants:

Opening and closing dates:

Open for Self-Registration and Verification 

Opening date: 23 July 2024                        Closing date: 09 August 2024

  • The ICSP website opening and closing dates will be updated on the website for the 2025 Annual Cycle.
  • Information will also be circulated to stakeholders to inform students and members of the opening dates.
  • All eligible applicants who qualify to assume duty between the period 1 January 2025 to 01 April 2025 must apply through the application portal for the 2025 Annual Cycle.


Important Information: 2025 Annual Application Cycle

  • Applicants who were placed and assumed duty during the previous cycle cannot re-apply again.
  • Only applicants who applied using the ICSP Online system will be allocated during the 2025 Annual cycle.
  • South African / Permanent Residence take preference to be allocated before foreign Nationalities will be allocated.
  • Applicants who need to apply with special consideration must download the appropriate form/s under the special consideration section and complete the forms. These forms need to be uploaded onto your application when you verify your personal details.
  • Individuals acting on behalf of the applicant:
    In line with the Protection of Personal Information Act, the NDoH will be unable to engage with any individual or family member claiming to be acting on behalf of an applicant, unless that person is the applicant’s appointed legal representative, or the applicant has granted written consent to the NDoH that the nominated person may receive specific information regarding their application.
  • Only applicants who registered, verified, and applied will be allocated during the 2025 Annual Cycle.


Quick guide for Registration and Verification process: 2025 Annual Application Cycle

  1. Applicants will only be able to register and verify their personal information when the ICSP Online system opens for registration.
  2. Applicants must register and verify their details through the ICSP web portal –
  3. Familiarize yourself with the process and timeframes. (Open and closing dates etc.)
  4. Download the supporting documents if you wish to apply with special consideration. (Make sure to complete the documents and get relevant signatures and to upload the documents before closing date of registration and verification process.)

Step 1: When the system opens for registration and verification:

  1. Applicants will receive an email to confirm registration and to create your own password on the ICSP Online System.
    • “Check spam filters / folder” and all email addresses used (private and University email).
  2. If no email is received confirm with your Institute of Higher Learning (HEI’s) that your personal information was sent to ICSP (NDoH) to be uploaded on the ICSP Online system.
  3. If you still experience a problem to register you will be able to self-register on the ICSP System or you can contact the Help Desk for assistance.

Step 2:

  1. Click on the link in the email to be directed to the ICSP Online System. This will guide you to create your own password.
  2. After creating your own password, you will receive an updated email confirming you have successfully created your password and be able to log on to the ICSP portal.

Step 3:

  1. When you log on to the ICSP Online System for the first time you will be able to view your personal details that was pre-loaded. You will then be requested to verify and confirm your personal details.
  2. During this time, you can only verify personal details and upload supporting documents if you wish to apply for Special Considerations.
    • To be downloaded either form the website or ICSP online system.
    • The forms need to be completed by all relevant parties and uploaded before applications open.
  3. No one will be able to apply for a post at this stage until the system opens for application for a post.

Step 4:

  1. After registration and verification, you will have to wait until the system opens to apply for a post.
  2. Applicants can update or change their personal details anytime during the registration and verification process until it closes, and the application process starts.
  3. You will receive an email notification when the system opens for applications. The ICSP website will also be updated with opening and closing dates.


Special Consideration: 2025 Annual Cycle

  • Personal consideration motivations will be considered during the application process.
  • Approval is subject to review by a carefully selected committee.
  • Where an applicant’s allocation potentially impacts upon the needs of a child or poses a risk to the health of the applicant due to a predisposing condition, within reason the allocation process will attempt to accommodate such needs.
  • Health needs will be restricted to those that require ongoing intensive management and exclude long term illnesses that are stale and only require periodic monitoring. ICSP Online personal motivations will be assessed based on three elements, namely the nature of the motivation, certified supporting documents, and a quantifier.
  • Applicants are encouraged to carefully review the required documentation for each of the personal considerations and upload them to their application accordingly.  Failure to comply with the required documents will result in the applicant’s personal consideration not being considered.
  • Documents with inaccurate or misleading information will be referred to the statutory body for review of professional conduct of both the applicant and/or the treating clinician as the case may be. 
  • However, it should be noted that submitting such a motivation does not guarantee it will be accepted or applied in the allocation processes (dependent on the availability of resources).


Considerations that WILL be considered:

  1. Own Health Needs (Own Health will be referred to Health Professional Panel members to approve)
  2. Child (up to Grade 12)
  3. Pregnancy (Due date between January and April 2025)
  4. Social Compact: Consideration will be given for intern and community service applications where two people wish to be placed together, for any of the following reasons:
    • Type A – Couples who are eligible and both applying for community service or internship that wish to be placed together.
    • Type B – Couples where one in the couple (non-applicant) is already completing an internship and where an applicant wishes to be placed with them.
    • Type C – Couples where one in the couple (non-applicant) is permanently employed in a public sector health facility and the applicant wishes to be placed with them.
    • Type D – Couples where one in the couple is in stable employment (non-applicant) not in the Public Sector and the applicant wishes to be placed within the vicinity.

NB: More than one option may be selected. (All documents to be uploaded when applying)

No other considerations will be accepted or approved.

Press on the Annexure form you want to download:

Own Health Needs ANNEXURE A

Own Health Medical Declaration

For the applicant - Complete this form if you are requesting a special consideration for an existing medical condition as part of your application for medical internship or community service. This form should also be completed by your health care professional currently treating you for this condition.

(Only your own health condition will be considered and not that of any family or friends)

For the attending healthcare professional - you are being asked to confirm that the applicant listed below has a medical or other health related condition requiring specialised and/or on-going treatment that demands special consideration when placing them for their medical internship or community service post. Please ensure all sections are completed in full.

Complete this form if you are submitting a personal consideration for a child aged 0-19 (up to Grade 12), as part of your application for medical internship or community service placement. Once you have completed the form and have the necessary signatures, upload the form with your application on the ICSP Online system.

The following documents need to be submitted with Annexure B
• Birth Certificate
• School rapport/ Letter confirming school
• Affidavit if you are a guardian of a child

Complete this form if you are submitting a personal consideration for a pregnancy, as part of your application for medical internship or community service placement. Once you have completed the form and have the necessary signatures, upload the form to your application on the ICSP Online system.
Social Compact ANNEXURE D

Complete this form if you are submitting a personal consideration for a life partner. Once you have completed the form and have the necessary signatures, upload the form with your application on the ICSP Online system.

Definition of a life partner - someone who is in a serious, committed relationship with someone else, but they're married / not married.

The following documents need to be submitted with Annexure D
ID – Copy of partner’s ID must be uploaded.
AFFIDAVIT – Partner and applicant confirm you are in in a stable relationship. (Obtain from Police station etc.)
APPOINTMENT LETTER / CONTRACT - Proof need to be uploaded that indicate partner is in stable working environment.

Contact details

Help Desk – (Preferred method)
Website –

ICSP Help desk – (012) 346 0700
NDoH – (012) 395 8685 / (012) 395 8134 / (012) 395 8916

  • Every provincial department have a specific coordinator to assist with Internship and Community Services. Their contact details will only be uploaded when the allocations have been released.
  • No applicants are allowed to walk in at the National Department of Health, only by appointments will be acceptable.